اشارۀ ناصر خسرو به نام و موقعیت «تَوَّج» در سفرنامه

نوع مقاله : علمی - پژوهشی


استاد گروه تار خ دانشگاه شیراز


ناصر خسرو قبادیانى در مسیر بازگشت خود از سفر حج به خراسان، از خلیج فارس گذشته و قدم به بندر مهروبان گذاشته است تا از آن­جا به ارجان و سپس به اصفهان برود.در این قسمت از سفرنامه، او متذکر مى­شود که در سمت راست مسیرش به طرف جنوب، نواحى «توه» و کازرون واقع شده است. در این گزارش، اشاره به توه مربوط به «توج» یا «توز» مى­شود که شهر یا ناحیه­­اى مشهور در متون جغرافیایى سده­هاى نخستین اسلامى به شمار می­آید.با این حال،گزارش کوتاه ناصر خسرو را مى­توان از معدود مواردى دانست که کمک مؤثرى به شناخت موقعیت جغرافیایى توج می­کند. در اغلب متون جغرافیاى تاریخى، نشان دادن موقعیت توج بدین ترتیب است که مى­نویسند در گرمسیر فارس و در  مسیر رود شاپور قرار دارد.  اما سفرنامۀ ناصر خسرو آن را داراى موقعیتى کوهستانى مى­داند.بدین ترتیب ناصر خسرو به عنوان کسى که از نزدیک  با توج آشنا شده، گزارشى منحصر به فرد از موقعیت آن ارائه مى­کند که مبتنى بر دانشى بومى است. چنان­که گزارشى هم که در همین جا از حضور یعقوب لیث در مهروبان به دست مى­دهد، حتى در تاریخ سیستان هم دیده نمى­شود. چنین مواردى نشان مى­دهد که نگرش بومى در شکل گیرى مطالب سفرنامۀ او تا چه اندازه واجد اهمیت است و مى­تواند در سنجش اعتبار آن مورد توجه قرار گیرد.AbstractReturning to Khorasān from the Hajj pilgrimage, Nāser Khosrow passed the Persian Gulf and landed in Mahroban Port, heading toward Isfahān. In this part of his travelogue, he mentions To-Wah and Kāzeroon which were located on his right side, along the road which led to south. In this report, To-Wah is Taw-Waj or Taw-Waz: a famous town or region, referred to in the documents of historical geography remaining from the first Islamic centuries. This short description is of special importance because it helps us find the geographic location of Taw-Waj. According to the most of historical geographic sources, that Taw-Waj is located in the Garmsir region of Fārs across the Shāpoor River. However, Nāser Khosrow’s Travelogue states that it is located in a mountainous area. Therefore, Nāser Khosrow, as an eye witness, offers a unique description of this place. The uniqueness of his description does not end here. His report on Ya'qub Layth which describes Mahrooban’s location is also notable, and no such report exists in other famous books such as Tarikh-e Sistan (The History of Sistān). This piece of evidence proves that Nāser Khosrow's familiarity with local areas has an important role in forming the facts and details of his Travelogue and therefore in giving it credit.Keywords: To-Wah, Taw-Waj, Taw-Waz, Taveh Siah, Taviseh


عنوان مقاله [English]

Nāser Khosrow and His Description of Taw -Waj’s Location in Safarnāmeh (Travelogue)

چکیده [English]

Returning to Khorasān from the Hajj pilgrimage, Nāser Khosrow passed the Persian Gulf and landed in Mahroban Port, heading toward Isfahān. In this part of his travelogue, he mentions To-Wah and Kāzeroon which were located on his right side, along the road which led to south. In this report, To-Wah is Taw-Waj or Taw-Waz: a famous town or region, referred to in the documents of historical geography remaining from the first Islamic centuries. This short description is of special importance because it helps us find the geographic location of Taw-Waj. According to the most of historical geographic sources, that Taw-Waj is located in the Garmsir region of Fārs across the Shāpoor River. However, Nāser Khosrow’s Travelogue states that it is located in a mountainous area. Therefore, Nāser Khosrow, as an eye witness, offers a unique description of this place. The uniqueness of his description does not end here. His report on Ya'qub Layth which describes Mahrooban’s location is also notable, and no such report exists in other famous books such as Tarikh-e Sistan (The History of Sistān). This piece of evidence proves that Nāser Khosrow's familiarity with local areas has an important role in forming the facts and details of his Travelogue and therefore in giving it credit.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • To-Wah
  • Taw-Waj
  • Taw-Waz
  • Taveh Siah
  • Taviseh