Crimean Khanate; Ottoman Allies in the Possession of Caucasus (1578-1587)

Document Type : review paper


Despite all the distances involved، Ottoman expansionist policies in the Sultan Murad III era opened the way for Crimean khanate (as Ottoman allies) into the transitions in the political history of Iran in the Safavid era. Inadequacy of Iran’s central authority during the reign of Sultan Mohammad Khodabandeh made the battles between Iran and Ottoman Empire over Sharwan to end، through the help that came from Crimean khanat، with the victory of Ottomans. Crimean khanate surrendered two valuable captives (Crimean Khan Brothers) to Iranians، one of whom was killed in the court and the other، after a period of time spent there and a spell of imprisonment in the Alamut Castle، managed to flee from Iran and to rejoin Ottomans once more. The effect of the presence of these two captives at the court of Iran and they way they were treated there as well as their militaristic manoeuvres in Iran’s territories has highlighted the role of Crimean khanate in the history of Iran. Although the measures Crimean khanate took، had no significance for them except the spoils of war، it was most influential in the separation of Caucasus from Iran and its 20 year capture by the Ottomons. Yet، despite all its significance، the issue has been left unexplored، hence the purpose of the present study.

