The Development and Transformation of State- Sponsored Militias in Iran (1320-1332 / 1941-1953 A.D.): A Case Study of the Hezb-e-Jangal (Party Of Jungle)

Document Type : Research Paper




The formation and activity of State- Sponsored Militias has always been an important issue for understanding the complexity of the relationship between states and nations due to the overthrow of legal procedures and one of the factors behind the obstruction of the process of democratization. In Iran, the Hezb-e-Jangal can be formulated under such organizations. Although the investigation has taken place, it has been formulated as a local and temporary response to the presence of the Soviet invaders in Mazandaran, but evidence of the continuation of this organization and their presence in the August 19 coup shows that this simplification should go beyond. So the main problem of this article is that the Hezb-e-Jangal as a State- Sponsored Militias, under what conditions and external and internal factors, evolved and transformed? This research has been carried out using the historical research method and an interpretative plan. The findings of research indicate that in the semi-democratic post-World War II period, some factions of the state and political elites fought against any ideological and reformist opposition because of fear of losing their interests and benefited from local influencers for this work which led to the emergence of militias, but the existence of some deficiencies in these organization and increasing concentration of power on the part of the factions, led to the creation of a new and more effective organization called the KOOK.


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