Semiotics Nomenclature Patterns History Books In Persian Language

Document Type : Research Paper


Hakim Sabzevari University


One of the ways of recognizing the status and position of a text and the relation with the inside world of a work is the title that a creator seals for the work and the audience recognizes it by the name; thus, implication of title to text and text to title is a bilateral implication. Since such a bilateral implication is tarnished due to the existence of meta-textual components in the titles, identifying the dominant principles and patterns on the implications is one of the objectives of this research. This article analyzes the semiotics and patterns in nomenclature of historical prose and verse books from various aspects. Regarding the fact that selecting a title entails involvement of components such as topic, temporal situation of text production and the aesthetic aspects, we investigate the semiotics and dominant patterns in nomenclature of historical texts in various periods and the effective factors in this nomenclature by mean of selecting 100 historical books. This research deals with the important intratextual components such as structure and content of text, and also the intertextual components such as socio-cultural situations effective in titles’ selection, and the common patterns of nomenclature. Furthermore, the titles are analyzed in terms of linguistics and rhetorics so that nomenclature changes in different periods, the dominant pattern in each period and their frequency are signified. Finally, the pathology and the problems in selection of titles are indicated.

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