Iran-Ottoman Peace contracts and decrease in religious tension between the two countries at the Period of Safavids and Afsharids

Document Type : review paper


The religious relations between Iran and Ottoman during various eras have been different. The main purpose of this research, based on the historical approach, is to identify the factors influencing the emergence of the conflicts between the two countries, and the effects of the contracts on abating tension between them. The results of this research show that, despite the conflicts occurring in the first decades of the Safavid dynasty’s rise to power, during the reign of Tahmasb, due to the Amasiyeh agreement the religious conflicts lessened and changed to amicable relations. As a result of the Zahab agreement between Shah Safi and Morad IV, the Ottomans put an end to their hostility toward Iran, and the religious factor, hitherto a major cause of the conflict between the two countries, lessened slightly. During the Afsharid era, after many years of fighting with Ottomans, Nader Shah concluded that there should be peace among the Muslims. Therefore, the “Najaf Religious Association” was established. The famous Shiite and Sunnite Ulama gathered in that big consulting chamber and partly agreed on some conflicting issues.
