Journal of history of Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper


History Department, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University of kerman, Kerman, Iran



The loss of Iranian national pride from the beginning of the Qajar era as a result of numerous defeats by Russia and England, the chaotic consequences of economic and political relations with them, and the structural weakness of the Qajar dynasty, provided the necessary intellectual foundations for intellectuals to find the causes of weakness and ways out of the backwardness of Iranians. . Among the factors considered by some pre-constitutional intellectuals in this field was attention to archaic nationalism. Although during the constitutional era, the dominant form of nationalism found an anti-authoritarian and anti-colonial face and its antiquarian approach became less than before, but with the end of the First World War, attention to it matured again. With Pahlavi I's rise to power, archaic nationalism as one of the most important nation-building ideologies was noticed by government agents. Based on such a discourse, the history of ancient Iran and some of its components were emphasized, including attention to the role of the Shah and anti-Arabism. The development of Kasravi's ideas took place in such a time. The findings of the research show that Kaseravi, while being interested in the history of ancient Iran and trying to revive some of its traditions and customs, with some of the extreme components of the antiquarians such as anti-Taziism, anti-Islam and finding the historical source of the backwardness of the Iranians in the defeat of the Iranians against the Arabs and paying attention to Aryan race was drafted and he considered their promotion as one of the factors of weakening national unity.

The findings of the research show that while Kasravi was interested in the history of ancient Iran and the idea of nationalism, he was influenced by the socio-political atmosphere of the constitutional era, which had an anti-authoritarian and anti-colonial approach.


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