investigation and Comparative Study of Three Party Diplomacy of the Soviet Union in Iran : (Iran Communist Party, Tudeh Party of Iran and Firgha Democrat of Azerbaijan)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 History Department, Payame-Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 History Department,Payame-Noor University, Tehran,Iran.



Soviet party diplomacy in Iran considered as part of Iran- Soviet Union relations between 1941 until 1948. Party diplomacy designated as an influential leverage considering Iranian government weakness for achieving Soviet Union goals with less negative public reactions. This research responding the question, found that the Soviet Union incorporated communism as the ideology through its party men to achieve its interests in Iran. The organization of party members within the Communist Party of Iran and consequently the Tudeh Party of Iran proved that the Soviet Union Communist Party is intended to pursue its interests by filling the gaps during uneasy diplomatic relations between Iran and the Soviet Union. While Soviet official diplomatic relations with Iranian government turned to its difficult stage, the party diplomacy of Soviet Union based on its communist’s elements embarked on new path to fulfill Soviet interests in Iran. Control over rotated cabinets and leverage influence on the government by coalition of “progressive” forces created by Tudeh Party was the long term goal of Soviet party diplomacy in Iran. Officially banned from action, the Tudeh Party of Iran approached demonstration and other street tactics to embody itself as a still viable political force in Iran. Mossadegh premiership proved difficulty of Tudeh Party to pursue a nationalist and pro-independent approach. The current research analysis shows Soviet Union was partly successful in its long term goal of achieving relative influence on consecutive cabinets. The Firgha Democrat of Azerbaijan suffered defeat due to lack of necessary public support, policy overhaul of the Soviet regarding international system, Soviet change of tone considering Ghavam premiership and communist party of Soviet Azerbaijan interventionist approach regarding the Firgha. This research try to open a new chapter of research in Iran- Soviet relations based on party diplomacy of the Soviet during the said seven years.


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