Cultural Interaction between Iranian, Islamic and Turkish Cultures in Shiraz between the Eighth and Ninth Centuries

Document Type : review paper


With the emergence of Islam, the Iranian culture devoted itself to the flourishing and expansion of the Islamic culture; and with the consequent entry of the Turks and Moguls into the Iranian cultural scene, Iran undertook the responsibility of a completely new cultural system. The aim of this article is to use the historical approach of research in order to identify the interaction of the three cultures in the Iranian capital of Shiraz in the 8th and 9th centuries. Results show that the Iranian Intellectuals and luminaries created a sort of bind between the cultures and by managing the newly-flourished culture, created spectacular works of art and craft. Thus, the Iranian culture once again maintained its influence. Al - Injuids, Al - Mozafarids, and the Timurids played major parts in the mentioned events.
