Serial Novels and the Contemporary Political History: A Discourse Analysis of Ten Ghezelbash

Document Type : Research Paper


In the present study, major discourses of serial novels published from 1320 to 1332 are investigated. Identifying the dominant political discourses of the period including the Islamic, the Royalist, the Nationalist, and the Marxist discourse, it then attempts to find the links among such discourses in Hossein Sokhanyar’s (Masroor) Ten Ghezelbash. The theoretical framework upon which the data analysis here is based is Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory. This analysis demonstrates that, among other things, there exists in this work a particular variety of the nationalist discourse within which both Islamic and Royalist discourses are articulated. It is worth mentioning that not only the modern dimensions of the major political discourses of the period in question – including the Nationalist, the Royalist, and the Islamic discourse – are not reflected in this work, but that there exists a certain kind of hostility towards them all. For example, there is no trace of the Marxist discourse within the discourses of this serial novel.

