PhD student in History of the Islamic Iran at the University of Payam-e Noor, Graduate Center, Tehran
Abstract: Critical and comparative Study on the chronograms of the history of Mazandaran based on the unpublished versification manuscript (Manżumeh) named “Conquests of Shāh Ismā̔il” is the goal of the paper. This work, dealing with the Iranian historical and political events, esp. with Mazandaran and the local governments of the Mar̔ashids as well as other rulers in the northern Iran in the Safavid’s period, is very important for the historiography of Mazandaran. The chronograms coming in the Manżumeh can confirm or disprove some historical records, what might occur in some corruptions and interpolations. The unknown poet of the Manżumeh, who mostly mentioned chronograms for the important occurrences, had tried to order the history of Mazandaran in a new arrangment structurally. In the Manżumeh, therefore, it can be seen some innovations that thay have had no background in the historygraphy for Manzandaran. The chronograms mentioned in the Manżumeh lead our approach to chronography, which were heretofore disappeard behind the curtin of the historical changes, in the right direction.
Gholipour Gudarzi, S. (2017). Critical Study on the Chronograms of the Historical Romans of Mazandaran in the Versification Manuscript “Conquests of Shāh Ismā̔il”. Tārīkh-i Īrān, 10(2), 27-46.
Gholipour Gudarzi, S. . "Critical Study on the Chronograms of the Historical Romans of Mazandaran in the Versification Manuscript “Conquests of Shāh Ismā̔il”", Tārīkh-i Īrān, 10, 2, 2017, 27-46.
Gholipour Gudarzi, S. (2017). 'Critical Study on the Chronograms of the Historical Romans of Mazandaran in the Versification Manuscript “Conquests of Shāh Ismā̔il”', Tārīkh-i Īrān, 10(2), pp. 27-46.
S. Gholipour Gudarzi, "Critical Study on the Chronograms of the Historical Romans of Mazandaran in the Versification Manuscript “Conquests of Shāh Ismā̔il”," Tārīkh-i Īrān, 10 2 (2017): 27-46,
Gholipour Gudarzi, S. Critical Study on the Chronograms of the Historical Romans of Mazandaran in the Versification Manuscript “Conquests of Shāh Ismā̔il”. Tārīkh-i Īrān, 2017; 10(2): 27-46.