The Persian residents of Istanbul and Tabriz resistance movement under Sattar khan leader 's

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Imam Khomeini International University.


From the days near to constitutional Revolution the Iranian political activists in Istanbul related too with movement of against despotism in Iran.
But the relation appeared more in cooperation of the Persian residents of Istanbul With Tabriz resistance movement for the restoration of the constitutional the biginning of Mojahedin force resistance under Sattar Khan commander, the Iranian political activists abroad come out from passive and energeticted. The persion residents of Istanbul had cooperated to Tabriz Mojahedin through the anjomane saadat. The anjomane saadat become representative of resistance movement in abroad. The anjomane saadat has notified combats and victories of Mojahedin to European countries and hole cities in Iraq also the helped financial aides. as well as The encouragement the Iranian religious leader in Iraq that issued fatwas against the shah and to support Mojahedin sattar khan repeated the his resistance based on the olama fatwas to support constitutionalism. Tabriz resistance movement also expected from the Anjomane Saadat that supply some his needs and necessities. In reality, the Anjomane Saadat was spokesman of resistance movement in abroad.The revolution of 1908 in ottoman empire paved the way for the Persian supporters of Tabriz resistance. This study based on hypotheses that struggles of the Persian residents of Istanbul played important role in support mojahedin movement under Sattar khan leader 's for world reflect and financial aides also they disappeared Britain and Russian aids from mohammad Ali shah in world public opinion.


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