Trying to shift direction of Iranian Trade to eastwards in the 1940s and 1950s.

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor, Department of History, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Iran.


Purpose: Trade relations between countries are linked to various intra-regional and global political factors. Because the events of the world are influenced by the smallest and most distant decisions made around the world. This is also true of the economic relations of neighboring countries such as Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan in the 1340s, 1350s / 1960s and 1970s. In an era when bipolar world conflict had a profound effect on these areas. Documents show that the Iranian government, after gaining relative political-economic peace at this time, was seeking new approaches to foreign markets and the country's transit routes to the eastern borders. Trade and trade with Europe was not very innovative for Iran and did not help the country's nascent industries. Therefore, plans were made to expand Iran's trade to Pakistan and Afghanistan in the east of the country.
Methodology: This study raises the question of what was the Iranian government's plan to redirect the country's trade and transit eastward? Historically he has studied and analyzed the documents of foreign and commercial relations of Iran during these two decades.
Findings: Preliminary studies indicate that trade deals with eastern neighbors were primarily focused on the oil issue, but since these countries had a common market with other commodities with Iran. In the later stages, Iran's focus on the transit of goods increased. The reopening and creation of new trade routes that somehow returned to Iran's historic past as a route for east and west trade convoys....


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