Investigating the elements of Japan’s Progress as a Model of Progress as analyzed through the lens of Akhtar Newspaper

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of history, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


he Iran-Russia wars and Iranian awareness of the issue of progress made Iranian elites to write booklet as a solution and after them newspapers tried to provide a solution to release Iran from backwardness. As the first newspaper published abroad, Akhtar writers introduced the question of Japan as an advanced Asian country that can be a good model for Iranians and the causes of its progress. Factors such as “ knowledge development”, “the role of the emperor”, “women” and “ relation with the west” are among the concepts that the newspaper stresses on the causes of the country’s progress; therefore, the main question of this study is what essential elements, based on the analysis provided by Akhtar, led to the development of japan? And what was their understanding of this country? The hypothesis is focused on that the authors of the newspaper regard the objective causes of development and ignoring the historical background of the country in educational and social fields. To answer the question, the newspaper has been analyzed to provide documentary evidence on the Akhtar writer’s understanding on the roots of Japan ‘s development.


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