ماهیت گفتمان انقلابی چپ در ایران عصر مشروطه

نوع مقاله : علمی - پژوهشی


دانشجوی دکتری تاریخ ایران اسلامی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی


   چکیده ماهیت گفتمان انقلابی چپ در ایران عصر مشروطه (پس از استقرار مجلس دوم)  ظهور اشکال گوناگون هویت یکی از پدیده­های مهم تاریخ ایران معاصر محسوب می­شود. در میان این هویت­های نوظهور هویت انقلابی از جمله اشکال هویت­های سیاسی جدید است که تأثیراتی ماندگار و عمیق بر جامعه­ی ایران به جا نهاده است. در واقع، گفتمان هویت انقلابی در بستر زمینه­ها و عوامل داخلی از جمله برخوردها و درگیری­های بین احزاب و گروه­های سیاسی مجلس دوم شورای ملی پدید آمد و ایدئولوژی­های خارجی مانند مارکسیسم-لنینیسم ایدئولوژی و ابزارهای سازماندهی آن­ را فراهم آوردند. پرسش اصلی این مقاله این است که الگوی گفتمانی هویت انقلابی در ایران دوره­ی مشروطه چگونه ساخته شد و مهم­ترین عناصر مضمونی آن کدام بود؟ از خلال متون برجای­مانده­­ از انقلابیون اولیه­ی ایرانی، که به شکل اساسنامه و مرامنامه­ی حزبی، اعلامیه، روزنامه، خاطرات و مانند این­ها نوشته شده­ است، و با تکیه بر روش تحلیل تاریخی گفتمان می­توان مجموعه­ای از مضامین محوری را مورد شناسایی قرار داد که در دوره­ی مجلس دوم مشروطه الگوی گفتمانی هویت انقلابی را پی افکندند. این الگو در پیرامون منظومه­ و عناصری معنایی شامل تغییر بنیادی، درک زیربنایی تاریخی، حزب­گرایی و فعالیت مخفی، اولویت سیاست، بین­الملل­گرایی، مشروطه­ستیزی و مخالفت با پارلمانتاریسم و خشونت و ترور ساخته شد. در تاریخ معاصر ایران هرگاه هویت انقلابی سربرآورده است می­توان حضور تمامی این عناصر مضمونی یا دست­کم تعدادی از آن­ها را در کانون منظومه­های هویتی­شان ملاحظه کرد. [A1]  [A1]پرسش، روش و یافته­های تحقیق در چکیده گنجانده شود.    Abstract The Nature of the Revolutionary Left Discourse in Iran in the Constitutional Era (After the Establishment of the Second Majlis) The emergence of various forms of identity is one of the important phenomena of contemporary Iranian history. Among these emerging identities, revolutionary identity are among the forms of new political identities that have had lasting and profound effects on Iranian society.­ Indeed, the discourse of revolutionary identity emerged in the context of internal factors, including clashes between political parties and groups in the Second National Assembly and provided external ideologies such asMarxism-Leninism ideology and the means of organizing it.The main question of this paper is how the discourse model of revolutionary identity was constructed in Iran during the constitutional period and what were its most important themes? Through the surviving texts of the early Iranian revolutionaries, written in the form of party statutes and charters, leaflets, newspapers, diaries, and so on, relying on the method of historical analysis of discourse,It is possible to identify a set of central themes that in the course of the Second Constitutional Assembly developed the discursive pattern of revolutionary identity.This model was built around the system and semantic elements including radical change, understanding of historical underpinnings, partisanship and covert activity, policy priorities, internationalism, constitutionalism, and opposition to parliamentarianism and violence and terror. In the contemporary history of Iran, whenever there is a revolutionary identity, all these themes, or at least some of them, can be found in the focus of their identity systems.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Constructing a Discourse Pattern of Revolutionary Identity in Constitutional Iran

نویسنده [English]

  • jafar moradhaseli
Ph.D. Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Shahid Beheshti University.
چکیده [English]

ome of them, shape the locus of their identity systems. the contemporary history of Iran, whenever there is a revolutionary identity, all these themes, or at least internationalism, constitutionalism, and opposition to parliamentarianism and violence and terror. In change, understanding of historical underpinnings, partisanship and covert activity, policy priorities, revolutionary identity. This model was built around the system and semantic elements including radical themes that in the course of the Second Constitutional Assembly developed the discursive pattern of on, relying on the method of historical analysis of discourse, the paper aims to identify a set of central revolutionaries, written in the form of party statutes and charters, leaflets, newspapers, diaries, and so period and what were its most important themes? Through the surviving texts of the early Iranian how the discourse model of revolutionary identity was constructed in Iran during the constitutional Marxism-Leninism ideology and at once the means to organize it. The main question of this paper is political parties and groups in the Second National Assembly, providing external ideologies such as of revolutionary identity emerged in the context of internal factors, including clashes between political identities that have had lasting and profound effects on Iranian society. Indeed, the discourse Iranian history. Among these emerging identities, revolutionary identity are among the forms of new The emergence of various forms of identity is one of the important phenomena of contemporary

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • assembly’ third
  • elements thematic
  • model discursive
  • discourse revolutionary
  • identity revolutionary:
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